This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to not only see an old friend, but also had the privelege of capturing her and her military beau. Meet Ally and Drew.
Ally and I first met while wearing matching green aprons at some coffee joint you've probably driven by once, twice, a million times in your life. I was about to get married, and had no job...why not serve coffee to addicts for pennies? Perfect! I digress...
Anyways, another fine person that worked alongside us was a lovely gal named Rachel, whom you may remember from this
wedding. Rachel married Eli, who before getting hitched to Rachel, was military roommates with Drew. You can connect the rest of the dots.
So here we are - celebrating warm fuzzies and anticipating what is shaping up to be a kickin wedding in Savannah, GA this May. Look out for those later, but until then, enjoy these little nuggets.