The other day, I did something completely out of the ordinary (for me)...and I'm pretty happy about the change of heart.
The first thing that didn't fit my mold was that I took a nature-esque picture. It's not that I don't like nature or beautiful landscapes or the animals that inhabit fact I'm fascinated by all of the above, its just never been my photographic forte.
The next part that was weird is that I never set out to take this picture, in fact I was on my way home from a different shoot. Cruising right along, and I see these great creations hanging out peaceful I thought. As I drove by I was like, "Wait a sec - I'm thinking about how cool a picture that is, and I have my camera in the car - why don't I just stop and shoot it?"
So I did. I threw my car in reverse on a major road (Not recommended by the way :) backed into a church parking lot (I was going in reverse after all) threw it in park, grabbed the camera and off I ran...
So here is my abnormal result. I hope you enjoy.